I believe that many Joomla users, including Joomla newbies know about Microdata, about what it is, but you all may forget its existence. Where is it on your Joomla! Site and its function? What is it used for? Do we have to do anything to enable it? Many questions may cross your mind, I know. Therefore, after my study, I want to give you a clear understand about Microdata in Joomla within a short article.
Running a business website, especially eCommerce web is not simple. To control web speed, loading image time, as well as to promote web on top of Google search, etc you have to do a lot of jobs to manage your site runs smoothly.
One factor that affected significantly on the web loading speed is Image. Therefore, I have made an infographic which collected all basic tips to help you optimize your site's images and also to support it better in promoting on Google search.