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Today I won’t give you a tip or a guide, but tell you a story of Joomla!, a story of ups and downs. In this period, Joomla! is thought to be done, basing on some statistics and the downfall of the market. However, it's gonna be done or not? How has Joomla! gone so far and how is its future? In this article, I will help you find the key. Stay tuned!

Published in Joomla News

Obviously, when you start your own site, it is always a big question to decide which CMS is good to rely on among the 4 giants: Joomla!, WordPress, Drupal and Magento. It’s not so easy and simple to make decision immediately but it takes time to consider because you need to clarify which kind of your site is, which one will help you get your goal, etc.

Published in Joomla News