Please help.
The Submenu doesn't open when mouse over. The submenu only opens, when it is also on active, and then with mouse over. Is there a solution to open all submenus on hover? Can it be, it's a template overwrite?
Hi horst !
I see submenu on your site.
You have menu item "Lebensmittel". when you hover it. it display 3 submenu.
3 submenu:
1. brotauftriche: you choose group
2.Susswareb: you choose group
3.Getranke: you choose group
Now. You want Child of submenu display when hover???
Best Regards,
Huyen Tran
the problem is, when I'm - active on the link "AGB" then hover the link "Lebensmittel" - there is no "opening" of the submenu.
I figured out, that the problem is by loading the java script, for fade or slide. If the script is turn off, the problem don't occur.
Sometimes, when the script is active, it shows always the submenu without(!) hovering- i can't figured out depends on what. Perhaps an Issue with mootools??
Is there a possibility, megamenu works with Internet Explorer 8?
sorry i had turn off the script, it's in css only mode, because i have to work on this site. i will turn the script on for 48 hours cince now.
thank you.
i have figured out, the issue is within the left virtuemart menu-module, now its turn off and the megamenu works well. is there a solution to use both?
EDIT: sorry the problem still occur sometimes. I think it's still from the script. But by the way i think the mega menu module is still good work. If the problem with the script won't solve, i will use the only css method.