You want show image description at images preview ?
I'm sorry but this is not possible, why don't you add the image you want to the preview or add image gallery
<div class="row too-gallery">
<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-12"><img class="img-responsive" src="/images/edengarden/cutting_trees.jpg" alt="Cutting trees" width="250" height="250" /></div>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
<h3><span class="title-left">Project</span> details</h3>
<div class="project-padding">
<li><span>Client :</span> Fac3heat</li>
<li><span>Location :</span> Los Angeles, USA</li>
<li><span>year completed :</span>June 2017</li>
<li><span>Category :</span> Commercial</li>
<li><span>value :</span>$30,000</li>
<div class="row too-gallery">
<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<h3><span class="title-left">Project</span> Overview</h3>
<p>Donec vel ligula vel felis venenatis eleifend at ac lacus. Fusce aliquam dolor eget eros euismod dignissim. Sed sed hendrerit ipsum. Pellentesque sed felis sit amet lorem blandit facilisis et ac nisl. Integer varius vulputate tincidunt. Donec eleifend vitae odio nec faucibus. Vivamus lobortis egestas metus, at condimentum dolor convallis.</p>
<p>Pellentesque aliquet lectus eget augue pretium tempor. Pellentesque varius, odio nec accumsan egestas, ante mauris elementum libero, id gravida sapien nisl tincidunt lacus. Duis sodales, ex eget bibendum placerat, purus erat eleifend metus, eget ultricies dui magna eget enim. Morbi vitae justo a lacus molestie finibus at sit amet velit.</p>
<p>Suspendisse finibus ipsum facilisis velit congue, quis fermentum massa rhoncus. Fusce eget augue blandit, tristique sem nec, fermentum mi. Duis dolor nisi, tempor vitae varius sed, condimentum semper nibh. Integer aliquam imperdiet ultrices. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin sit amet pretium eros. Cras mollis molestie sapien. Ut eu nulla a risus accumsan molestie.</p>
<h3><span class="title-left">Faq's</span></h3>
<div>{loadposition home4-faq}</div>
I'm sorry but I cannot customize as you like, it is very complicated and easy to cause style conflicts
Hope you understand and look forward to receiving sympathy
the only thing that you have to do is to remove the "Image Preview *" to the frontend or to remove the mandatory (*) field from image preview. If you remove this one the "description text" will cover the full width of the page. Is it too difficult this one?
I remember the day before you asked me to hide the backgorund hover and color, I added the hidden css for you but now you ask it why it doesn't see hover, so I tried custom code for you, it took quite a while. But I still have custom for you
about hover effect I mean the same hover effect that there is in the related items to be in the main gallery. Check the attachment.
about this >> I remember the day before you asked me to hide the backgorund hover and color <<
I had told you for the JUX Gallery I have for "/portfolio" page
about the link is ok now, could you tell me how did you do it?