Please refer to the instructions:
Language Installation
JSE Real Estate’s Interface can be switched to various Languages. At first, JSE Real Estate only came with English language files. To make your JSE Real Estate run in the language of your choice you need to follow these steps:
Download & Install new JOOMLA! Language Files
To be able to use other languages, you must first find the right language File for JOOMLA!
JOOMLA! Language Files can be downloaded from the Translation Packs for JOOMLA! 3.0 [
Translate the JSE Real Estate Language Files
After installing your language, let say its xx-YY, you need to create the JSE Real Estate Language file to your language by:
Copying this file:
{site root}/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jse_real_estate.ini
{site root}/language/xx-YY/xx-YY. com_jse_real_estate.ini
Then translate it to your language.
Note: sometimes you need to change encoding type of language file to "UTF8 without Bom" (you can use notepad++ to change encoding type of the file).
If you want to change backend language, do the same with language in "administrator" folder.
Switch the global Language
For JOOMLA! 3.0: go to "Extensions" => "Languages Manager" select the language of your choice and make it "Default" by clicking that icon in the toolbar.
JSE Real Estate should now pick up the correct language from its own language folder.
Installation FAQs
Best Regards,
Huyen Tran