Hi there,
It's great to meet you all here in this blog post with the very interesting topic I think you all - website owners have concerned about. Obviously, if you run your own site, especially business site, conversion rate is always one of the mainstream worries, even online advertisement is utilized to achieve that goal. A statistic showed that 84% of website conversions occur on the first visit.  As a result, I am happy to present 10 ways to convert your lead generation on the first visit under the agreement of Straight North and it is also a hello for June from both of us! Let's get started...
Are you looking for a Real Estate website that perform all your business activities? And you hope your website get more and more traffic volume? If so, this post is right for you because I am gonna present 10 hacks for a great real estate website that drives more leads and listings. Let’s get started and there is a bonus tip at the end you don’t want to miss!
Good day to you!
It’s not surprising to know that video content gradually dominates design trend in 2017. According to statistics, 96% of B2B organizations are already using video in some capacity in their marketing campaigns, and 87% of online marketers use video content. However, as images, videos also need optimizing to improve the loading speed. The question has been raised and here’s the answer for how to optimize videos for a website.
Dear JoomlaUX’s customers,
Firstly we want to express our deep thanks to your long-lasting support and using our products. We also want to express deep apology for bugs that you all have encountered. We will try to fix and release updates soon.
However, today we want to present one of the most common requests from customers that how to translate JUX templates and extensions' language into their favorite one. Pls follow the following instruction to get the job done. It’s a step-by-step one. Ready? Here we go!
It’s right time of the year to evaluate your SEO strategies and examine the best ways to improve during 2017. If you already learned about 7 SEO tips in 2017 I posted a long time ago, this is the next right article or some additional tips to boost your SEO performance in 2017.