Apparently Youtube has updated their API and the version of the Unite Revolution Slider that comes with the jux_grande template doesn't support the change. The programmers of the Unite extension said that I needed to come back to you to get the latest version which has resolved this problem (4.6.8 for Joomla).
Can you please send it through to me via email as I have a VERY urgent project on a strict timeline that needs this feature.
PS. BTW - there isn't a forum for the JUX_Grande may want to update that.
Dear mgilmour
Thank you for using product our.
Because Youtube update API, But Unite Revolution Slider 2 still have not updated for it. It is component free of Joomla. We will study it for you. Please give me some a little time. You can use vimeo for silder.
Thank you so much for sympathy.