The JUX Portfolio Module load normal images and resizes images in the case that crop/resize is enabled.
This causes extra network load, because the module crates a <div> fpr the resised image and the normal
image, but only the resiszed images is shown in the browser.
In the section of the default.php line 284
....<div .class=jux-media jux-video...
... if(list->mediatype==0)...
you forgot to check, if the images is croped and than load the image from the asset and only else load the normal images
This cause a transfer of the uncropped images to the client even if they are cropped and.
Hi Michael Petring
Thank you for feedback us
If still have any problem, Please send information login back-end via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will check and fix it for you soon
Sorry, I can't give you access to the site. I fixed the problem in your php code, but the bug can cause
heavy network load and other users of jux-portfolio should also benefit from a fix. My be the bug
is also in the Pro version.
I'am not an expert in css, but after this little fix only the necessary resized images from the assets are load.
This substantially increase the web-site performance, because orginal images are often much larger.
I would be happy about an official fix of the problem.
Last edit: 6 years 2 months ago by Michael Petring. Reason: image added
Hi again
Thank you for feedback us
Are you sure that is the problem because I have not seen any customers talking about this
I will check it again and try to fix if it is a problem
If you can´t reproduce this problem i can try to give you access to the site, than you can check the module configuration.
With network analysis in the firefox you can see the problem.
Hi agian
Can you send me snapshot back-end modules via :
I want to see the configuration you set, I try to check but don't see the problem
Hi again
Sorry for late reply
I'm sorry but I don't see problem
You can describe the problem in more detail or send me one image of the problem via:
I will check it for you soon
Unfortunately, I do not understand why you do not see the problem. In the example screenshoot you can see that the images are transmitted as original and as reduced by the module.
Have al llok into the picture in the older post.
For example the picture "FotoArt-Mirko ..." as original with 5.45MB size and as reduced picture "400PhotoArt-Mirko ..." with 23.33kB size. Both variants are transferred from the Module JUX portfolio. For the presentation of the website but only the smaller version is needed. The other one is not shown and therefore does not have to be transmitted, as this picture alone gives evidence of 5MB network load.
I already wrote where the error is in the module. See PHP section in the initial posts.
You can easily see that on the page "
". Simply e.g. Enable network analysis in the Firefox browser.
Why do you think that's no problem? I think this is a very bad behavior of the module, because it creates unnecessary network load and in the example more than 10MB are transmitted unnecessarily. Especially on mobile phones, the site is then extremely slow.
Hi again
If you don't want crop images, you can select " No" and enter "auto" at config height
and images will show the exact size
If you choose crop images, the image will be forced to cut and create a new image
Hope you understand