I imported about 12 images that are 178px by 134px each. However, when they display, they show with a width of 585px with a height of auto. How can the widths be shown as their true width?
Hi Tizzymack10,
Thanks for contacting us and choosing our product!
I'm sorry. Because the products I use JS to integrate width. width of image don't get according to the Image,that you import. Width of image will calculated by JS. example: You show 3 image, JS will Divided width suitable for 3 image, or show 4 image, JS will divide width suitable for 4 image. Thank you so much for sympathy.
Hi SM,
Thanks for contacting us and choosing our product!
I'm sorry you can not change the height of the image, if you change it distorted and not beautiful photos.
Hi SM,
Please go to backend => tab advanced => config custom css:
add css
.jux-content-slider .item img{
Hope help you
hi thanks for answering my previous question it was exactly what i neeeded
is there a way to invert the bubba hover effect so that the non hovered image becomes "colored" and the hovered image is "untouched"