There is alot of space in between the social media icons and the (About) content area which I'd like to remove. I have opened every css, js, and other files within the plugin in an attempt to adjust this spacing, but the css to does not appear visible to me to do so in that way. If I can get that extra spacing adjusted, everything would be great.
Hi kabod55,
Thanks for contacting us about our product!
In this case we use jquery one page and you can remove it by style css. You can use an image as logo for the best display!
Hope this help!
Yes, I understand I can change it there, but for some reason, the issue is that I do not see the style.css in any folders of the plugin. From elements > assets > css, the only css files in the folder are jsquery.gridly.css, jseoptions.css, juxoptions.css
I have not located a style.css. I checked every folder of the plugin. And I have looked at the code from (all) the files in an effort to find where to edit it since I couldn't find a style.css