Can't seem to get the menu to extend across the entire width of the page in the mainmenu position. It looks like it's only showing for "columns" with links and nothing beyond that.
I have the "Hide if empty" setting at "No."
I had a problem with one of the down arrows being behind the text, in a previous support inquiry, and you had me use custom CSS, which worked. Here's the CSS code you sent:
It looks like this might also make it extend across the page, but not sure. Can you let me know if there's additional css needed, and if so what it is? If it's not that, what would be causing this?
Hi Jneale,
Thanks for contacting us,
I checked your website. That problem is the structure of your template,
If you want to change that, please go to the back-end module CSS3 Mega Menu Jux advanced config tab Custom CSS
#jsn-menu div.jsn-modulecontainer, #jsn-pos-mainmenu {
    width: 100%! important;
If you have any problems please feedback to us, so I can know your problem has been solved, Thanks