I was attracted to this menu because of its clean look but I cannot get it to work properly. It adds itself to the main menu like a menu item instead of replacing the main menu.
I tried the solution you gave to Bertin BERCHMAN as is question and setup is similar to mine but it gave me an error 404 or blank page.
Can you help in fix this ?
HI Michelle
Send me site account via mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Please.
Maybe I misunderstand the instructions? Do you actually mean that one should write "module" in the div class and remove everything else, or does "module" stand for the name of the module?
I have the same issue as described here - i am also using a yootheme template.
However, the page linked above no longer works, there is an error when you try and access it. Please can someone provide me with instruction as to how to display the CSS3 Mega Menu correctly in the yootheme menu template position?
I have submitted a support ticket and am waiting for a response.