when I activate the JUX-Weather-Forecast in the right side menu of my webpage, other modules in the menu (JEvents) suddenly have white Text on white background. When I deactivate the JUX Weather Forecast again, the other module is displayed correctly again. Can anybody help in this issue ?
Dear Ingo,
Thank you for using product our,
I'm sorry for reply late. Because we just have a holiday for the weekend.
Please give me link your site and your account of the administrator. I will check it for you.
Dear Ingo.
I fixed it the below:
Please go to SKS nächste Ereignisse module and find to custom CSS.
You can view line code.
please kindly write us a review and vote 100 point for each section for our extension on JED:
This means a lot to us and we'd be very thankful for your review. Thank you so much in advance.