When I enter email addresses, it causes the map to display as a checkered screen. When I remove the email address, the map displays normally. How do you enter an email address correctly?
Also, how do you get the address details to go over multiple lines without using Enter to go to a new line? Just typing in an address as one long string of characters shows on the map as one truncated line and does not wrap so you cannot see the entire address.
Thanks for contacting and choosing our product
About your problem,You can send me a login via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let the problems you encounter show up, I will see the problem and check it for you.
This map is being used on an intranet so cannot send you any logon details - not accessible externally.
Can you give me any hints as to why this is happening? For the email addresses I am only typing in a normal email address e.g. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and that is enough to cause issues.
As for addresses - using Enter to drop a iine definitely causes problems but just typing a single line does not wrap...
That is exactly how I am typing the email addresses - the same as your examples and the example I sent you.
When I type an email address, what is happening is that I can type "john@somwhere" - ok. Type "john@somewhere." - ok. Type "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." - ok. Type "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." and it fails. The software does not seem to be able to handle more than one character after the full stop - any more than that and just a checkered screen.
The same thing happens if I try to type an email address into the description field.
ALSO - any suggestions on how to get the street address to go over more than one line??
Bit frustrating as multiple line addresses and email addresses really are a required part of what we are doing.
Further to the previous message. I have found if an email address is typed in as "john@red. com" - with a space after the full stop, it does not cause any issue. Only seems to be a problem where there is no space after the the FIRST full stop so an address like "john@red. co.nz" does not cause issues either.
I'm sorry but I do not understand why the problem happened to you because I tried importing it many times but it still works fine
Even if I enter the space in the hold as you say
You probably entered something wrong because my client still says that the product works fine
please check agian
can you send me the problem or where you enter and it happens error with 1 specific image via:
I will check it for you
Have solved this. In Joomla there is a plug-in "Content - email cloaking". This is normally enabled so that email addresses on a website are hidden/scrambled to avoid scrapping of the data as they are surrounded by Java script e.g.
'<span class="jux_google_map_marker_info_item_text">'+"<span id="cloaka88659b36c3c933072c0c81898511cb9">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</span><script type='text/javascript'>
document.getElementById('cloaka88659b36c3c933072c0c81898511cb9').innerHTML = '';
var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to';
var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '=';
var addya88659b36c3c933072c0c81898511cb9 = 'john' + '@';
addya88659b36c3c933072c0c81898511cb9 = addya88659b36c3c933072c0c81898511cb9 + 'red' + '.' + 'co' + '.' + 'nz';
var addy_texta88659b36c3c933072c0c81898511cb9 = 'john' + '@' + 'red' + '.' + 'co' + '.' + 'nz';document.getElementById('cloaka88659b36c3c933072c0c81898511cb9').innerHTML += '<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addya88659b36c3c933072c0c81898511cb9 + '\'>'+addy_texta88659b36c3c933072c0c81898511cb9+'<\/a>';
When I disabled that feature and left plain email addresses, the map is working with email addresses as per your demo example. As this is an intranet, it does not matter that email addresses are not cloaked.
However, if what I have found applies to all sites, could be a problem for other users who use this module on their websites as email addresses would be accessible.
Thank you for feedback us
I will check and review if any other customers encounter the same problem, I will try to find solutions and update modules to fix the problem.