I am trying to get your instagram module running on a local installation. Software: "unzip1st_jux_social_instagram_feed1.1.1.zip"
At first, it seemed great. I have installed it, defined a hashtag and/or user, and on the frontend it showed the corresponding images fetched from instagram. Just as expected. Great.
However, I soon noticed that the module would not be fetching fresh images. It did not update the feed. -- When I test-posted new stuff on instagram, it would not appear on my joomla frontend.
So I began experimenting. I assigned a new hashtag, and again, images were fetched properly according to this fresh hashtag.
However, when I posted brand new images using this fresh hashtag, again, there was no update on the joomla feed.
Is this a technical issue or is there a time limit in your module? Say, does it only fetch new stuff for a hashtag/username every hour/24 hours or so?
Thank you for feedback us
The data we get is from the Instagram API and it takes time to update
Hope you understand and look forward to receiving sympathy