I put in a ticket and still have no response after almost 2 weeks. Your JUX Mega Menu has a large bug. When you change menu to a CLICK menu (instead of HOVER), any modules in the submenu area that have links in them do not work.
Dear chenz2!
Thanks you for using product our.
I'm very sorry for late reply. You can give for me other ticket. I will check for you.
Best Regards,
Huyen Tran
Just an update... this ticket/post is STILL not answered, almost ANOTHER 4 days later. Just a warning to others that you will not get support for the products you paid for.
I am going to wait until tomorrow to get responded to before I post my review on the JED extensions page. Please don't say you will look into it this or that day, and then not. You have been saying that for the last 3 weeks. If you are not going to provide support, it is not right to charge money for your products. We are going now on 3 weeks for a simple response to how to fix this.