I am making a city guide website and I know I will have many menu items when it's ready. Each menu item (Where to stay / hotels in Minsk) will have its submenu items (Hotel Example 1, Hotel Example 2 and so on). And this Hotel Example 1 will have its children (also submenu items), which will be shown in a separate menu (that menu will show only 4th level submenu items): hotel example 1 deals, hotel example 1 news, hotel example 1 prices...
And the same goes for each hotel, cafe, sight and so on... This is not hard to implement thanks to the 'copy' and 'search' functions in the backend but I just wonder whether there will be time when Joomla will say there are too many menu items.
Dear ilyanice.
Thanks you for using product our.
You want ask:
When you do as atop. Joomla will have the error and notify" there are too many menu items."
I Think will don't have the problem when you have many menu item.
Best Regards,
Huyen Tran