The problem here is that these categories in virtuemart and value in the module config. params are stored in tables in the database. data in multiple categories, the module can not be saved.
1. You can change the type of data in the database. TEXT => LONGTEXT (this way is hard to take the data I have not tried)
2. Please enter com_virtuemart component => unpublished category => configuration of the module config => publish category (I or this way)
Please see video
Hope help you
I can't watch the video... It seems to be private.
I think I've published all the categories, but still nothing about saving the changes. What have you done the first time you checked ?
About the change in DB: do you refer to the "virtuemart_categories" table/ "category_name" field?
Last but not least: what about the publishing on frontend problem? Seems to be indipendent of the saving problem.
I really hope you can help.
Thank you
Thank you for the video.
So: the less published category we have, better we feel... understood! I have to find the limit.
Still remains the problem of the frontend. Please, if you can take a look at the
You'll see the message I've told you before, about the virtuemart component (top left of the page, under the header).
Now I left few categories to show to ensure module functionality...
Please let me know your opinion.
1- Solved the issue of the frontend in a "brutal" way.. If you have a more elegant solution, please let me know...
In file modules/mod_jux_vm_megamenu/tmpl/default.php I have double-slashed the control "if" instruction.
2 - For the number of category limit I am in betatesting phase. Changed the DB field parameters, as you suggested, in "long-text" I don't think there will be collateral effects... we'll see. Maybe in future developments you could switch the module to a component and tie queries directly to the VM category tabels.
3 - I've translated the language ini file in Italian (if you're interested I can send it to you) and added in lagnuage folder as "it-IT.mod_jux_vm_megamenu.ini" but it seems is not read.. (advices?)