I have a deadline for a client who wanted to add a portfolio page for his business. I purchased this extension after reading the reviews and description, however it seems to lack certain customization options. I want to edit the margin, none of my thumbnails are sized correctly no matter what I do, and I want to remove the "+" link on hover and only have the link to a new page - which I would like to open in current window, not a new window. How can I make all these changes? Please help!
Dear jimdamico
Thank you for using product our,
1. Want open page in parent window:
Go to ....modules\mod_jux_portfolio\tmpl\default.php edit "blank" by "self" the below:
line 291
<a class="jux-icon2" href="<?php echo $list->itemlink; ?>" target="_self">
line 233
<a class="jux-icon2" style="border-radius:5px;" target="_self" href="<?php echo $list->itemlink; ?>">
line 436
<span class="juxp-link"><a class="jux-icon2" href="<?php echo $lists[$i]->itemlink; ?>" target="_self"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>'+
line 448
<a class="jux-icon2" style="border-radius:5px;" target="_self" href="<?php echo $lists[$i]->itemlink; ?>">
2. Want remove " + ", I saw your website that remove it.
3. I want edit the margin :
Go to .modules/mod_jux_portfolio/tmpl/default.php line 71 and change padding for it.
Please check it and feedback to me again,
Thank you! As far as removing the "+" you are right, I removed the symbol, but I want to completely remove the circle and link too - then center the LINK symbol.
EDIT: I figured this out.
Also, when someone puts their mouse over title and tag words on hover turn grey. I would like those to not change color and not link to anything. Also, how do I edit the font for both Title and Tag?
Thanks again for your help, hoping to wrap this up today!
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by Jim D'Amico. Reason: Fixed one issue
HI jimdamico.
1. Change color and font for Title:
Go to ..modules/mod/jux_portfolio/assets/css/style.css line 93, you can change that you want
.item-info h2 a {
font: 12px/20px "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
color: #fff;
text-transform: uppercase;
and when hover the title , Line 98
.item-info h2 a:hover {
color: #fff;
text-decoration: none;
2. Change color and font for Tag:
Go to ..modules/mod/jux_portfolio/assets/css/style.css line 259, you can change that you want
..info-content h4 a {
font: 13px/20px "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
color: #fff;
font-weight: 100;
3. please kindly write us a review and vote 100 point for each section for our extension on JED: