I've just purchased and installed JUX Social module. Although I followed the instructions step by step, the social stream doesn't load my twitter messages. Facebook, Instagram and Youtube works fine.
I've created both consumer key & Oauth access token for Twitter. What could be the problem?
Last edit: 8 years 2 months ago by Klaas. Reason: Figured some problems out.
Hi Klass.
Thank you for using our product,
Can I get Key wrong, please give me link your site and your account of the administrator via mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will check it for you
Hi Raphael Steinhoefel.
Thank you for feedback us
About your problem, I'm sorry. Please give me link your site and your account of administrator via private message or mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will check it for you soon
unfortunately i have to say, that i wasnt sutisfied how you did the support this time. After your support ii had to restore whole site what tooks me over 3 hours.
- You activated libraries what was already active by default. This caused broken layout because of jQuery conflicts.
- You tried to install some components, was already installed. This caused global page error - on Web and in Backoffice. I cant imageíne how you did this,,,
And after that you simply gone until next day where Site was online again...
Actualy you can avoid that issues by simply asking people or looking bit around waht is already there and not sinply install and activate everithing without to think about consequences.
Anyway, it's fine now and i wont simply report what the issue with Twtter was: mod Curls was missing on Apache. So for all who will have this issue:
check if twitter.php is available and permission are ok: http:/domain.com/modules/mod_jux_social_stream/twitter.php?url=timeline&screen_name=%twitter_user_name%&count=5&include_entities=true&include_rts=false&exclude_replies=true
As responce you will get json containing your posts. if this will not be the case, than look into permissions or if file is accessible/available.
check if cURL is installed. You can do that easy by creating info.php file with code
<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>
. Place this file into root of your web and call from Browser. Than search in text after "cURL". by row "cURL support" should stay "enabled"
Actualy, as Dev team of chargeable components, you should know about this simple steps and place this in Docu or as answer before to ask super admin credentials and do something without to know (and without to ask) how and what exactly is implemented on your customers sites.
Anyway, i wish you all the best in future and hope this will never happans again to you and to us =)
Have a great time
PS: i appologise for my bad english and possible erros i'm sorry to.