How to style caption:
Unless your put up a plain-image slideshow, captions play a major role in your slide’s general visualization. Therefore it’s essential to style your caption with different font styles, colors, spacing…
JUX Visio Slider’s caption is powered with HTML, meaning that almost all HTML elements can be put in caption, such as image, video, bulleted list, table… and they can all be styled with HTML tags.
Using Google Fonts for caption:
Here is the simplest way to add Web fonts to your template:
For instance, I want to add the font Ubuntu Mono from Goolgle Fonts:
Find Ubunto Mono font, then Select Quick-use button:
In the "Choose the styles you want” section, check the styles you want to be available:
Same with the "Choose the character sets you want" section:
Then scroll down to the "Add this code to your website" section. Copy the code in the box

Next, find your template folder, locate the file index.php, open it.
Now paste the code above in the head section (between <head> and </head>). We recommend you paste it right above the </head> tag. It should look like this:
Save and close file. That's all.
Remember that you need to embed font to both backend template and frontend template for it to display properly on both backend and frontend.
Changing font family:
To change the font of your text, use this tag:
<p style="font-family: 'font name'; ">your text here</p>

Changing font style
To have your text in bold or italic style, use the tag below:
Changing text size:
You can change the size of your text using this tag:
Changing text color:
You can change the color of your text using this tag:
Changing font weight:
You can make your text thinner or bolder using this tag:
Positioning text/image inside caption:
You can position text/imaget inside caption using <margin> tag:
Changing caption style:
The number of caption style in JUX Visio Slider is limited, although it doesn't mean that's just it. Using "background color" HTML attribute, you can create caption of all colors!
For example:
<p style="background-color: #F8E0EC; margin: 10px; border-radius: 15px; opacity: 0.6; padding: 25px">JUX Visio Slider</p>
You can try Gradient too if you want!
Inserting image in caption:
Simply use this tag below
For example:
You can also resize your image:
For example
Embedding video into slide:
1. For the 1st option, JUX Visio Slider supports embedding video by URL from Youtube and Vimeo, just paste the URL of the video into the video box like this.
Copy Youtube link
Or Vimeo link
Paste it in the Video embedding box. Click Add button. Voilà!
Copy this code from Youtube

Or this from Vimeo
Paste the entire code into caption box. Done!