If your site contains important information and people are hunting it specifically, do not put it in a slide. If you have vital information that is worth to put on home page, place it at proper place. Normally people don’t go through all your slides when browsing, they only look at the first three, and if the information not compelling enough, they will give up on the rest. It is better to use your slider to highlight information such as promotion campaign, hot and new items, etc.. and remember to keep the number of slides around 3.
2.One content type for each slider
It is important to manage all slides in a certain format. If people know what kind of information will come in the next slide, they will find it easy to follow and are more willing to browse your slideshow. Do not confuse your reader by including all kind of information in a slider, for instance, one slide for new product, one for promoting event, one for discount, etc. Reader won't know if there is anything they might need, so next time when you change the content, they may not bother browsing it anymore. Thus, make sure that the content of your slides are consistent so reader can get the main idea of it.
3.Keep your slider simple
Slider is often on the top position so it attracts people at first glance. It should be better if reader is not distracted by another slider on the same page. Believe me, the more slider you have in one page, the more people are confused. One is enough, and remember to make it attractive with clean, simple layout, good effects and interesting content.
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